Participating is like wanting. Only more beautiful.

"He is practically part of the family" is what you say when you want to express that you can work with someone in a trusting way. This is exactly what we want to achieve with our network. We don't just want to exchange business cards, we want to establish sustainable relationships, we know each other well and want to get to know many others just as well.

Being a member of a strong network is beneficial, inspiring and helps to move forward - personally and professionally.

Which memberships are available?

A personal sponsoring membership includes:

  • Access to our network
  • Authorization to wear the GM pin
  • Discounted access to all our events and seminars
  • Active networking: support through targeted contact initiation
  • Discounted or free access to many partner events
  • Many discounts and purchasing advantages* through an optional extraordinary membership with mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V. and access to purchasing advantages through our partner Mittelstand in Bayern e.V.
  • Discounted memberships in partner networks


180 € per Year

The registration fee is a one-time fee of 50 €. The fee in the first year is paid proportionally by quarter. A cancellation is possible at any time to the end of a year. For members of friendly associations such as mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V. or Liberaler Mittelstand e.V.  the registration fee is not applicable.

A supporting membership for companies includes:

  • All the advantages of a personal sponsoring membership for 1 person (on request also for several).
  • We support our corporate members at their own events or become host/partner of GM Events.
  • Publication of member events on the GM website
  • Preferred participation in events Initiatives and activities of German Mittelstand
  • Net-Matching: We do not only "network", we also help with "matching" contacts.
  • Listing as a member on the German Mittelstand website
  • The right to use the signet "Member of German Mittelstand" in your own communication
  • The right to offer own services on the German Mittelstand marketplace


380 € per year
Each additional person billed through the company: 180 € per year

The registration fee is a one-time fee of 50 €. The fee in the first year is paid proportionally by quarter. A cancellation is possible at any time to the end of a year. For members of friendly associations such as mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V. or Liberaler Mittelstand e.V. the registration fee is not applicable.

A supporting membership for Start-up includes:

  • All the advantages of a personal sponsoring membership for 1 person (or more if desired)
  • All advantages of a corporate sponsoring membership limited to 2 years


180 € per year Jahr
Each additional person billed through the company: 180 € per year

The registration fee is a one-time fee of 50 €. The fee in the first year is paid proportionally by quarter. A cancellation is possible at any time to the end of a year. For members of friendly associations such as mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V. or Liberaler Mittelstand e.V. the registration fee is not applicable.

Eligible for this membership are newly founded (not older than 3 years) companies with up to 10 employees and a turnover < 0.5 Mio €/year.

The membership is limited to 2 years.

A membership as a volunteer means:

  • Being able to take advantage of all the benefits of personal sponsoring membership
  • To support the German Mittelstand appropriately with some work
  • Building a sustainable network
  • Gather experience & know-how


Support with administration, public relations and/or events

The volunteer program is limited and is assigned by the board of directors. We want to give potential young entrepreneurs early access to our network and let them participate in our experience. As a rule, volunteers are accepted for one year and only as long as they are in training.

A full membership can be obtained:

  • a sustaining member after 3 years at the earliest upon application and with the approval of the board
  • a deserving member upon invitation and with the consent of the Board of Directors

180 € per year

Art der MitgliedschaftBeitragBemerkung
Personal supporting membership180 € per year plus 50 € registration fee
Corporate Membership380 € per year plus 50 € registration feeincl. 1 pers. supporting membership
- further pers. supporting members within the scope of a corporate supporting membership180 € per year
Start-ups | New foundations180 € per year plus 50 € registration feeincl. 1 pers. supporting membership; limited to 2 years
- further pers. supporting members within the scope of a corporate supporting membership180 €/Jahr
Voluntär0 €/JahrUnterstützt die Arbeit des Vereins tatkräftig und ehrenamtlich.
Regular membership (full membership)180 € per yearby invitation only
Discounts for members of friendly associationsNo admission feeValid for members of Liberaler Mittlstand e.V., mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V.
Supplementary extraordinary membership mib - Mittelstand in Bayern e.V.20 € per yearGives access especially to many valuable purchasing advantages.

Become a member now.

Please note: A Personal Sustaining Membership does not include a corporate presence. If you want to be present with your company brand, please choose the Corporate Supporting Membership.

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Information on the optional extraordinary membership with Mittelstand in Bayern e.V.

Via our partner mib all members of the German Mittelstand e.V. (thus also outside of Bavaria) can enjoy many monetary advantages and consulting services for a small additional contribution of 20 €/year, such as

Enclosed a complete overview (Sorry, only in German available)  of the current portfolio of services for direct (full) members of mib in comparison to the extraordinary membership for the affiliated members of the German Mittelstand e.V.

You can also download a file with a summarizing description of mib and its activities and services.

  • Framework contracts (e.g. car up to 40 %, travel, etc.)
    Special conditions for mediation of gas & electricity tariffs
    Special conditions for telecommunications
    Special conditions for office technology
    Special conditions for consumer electronics
    Probe conditions for clothing, shoes, etc.j
    Special conditions for hotels, vacations, etc.
    Special conditions for theater, cinema, etc.
    Purchasing advantages with more than 400 suppliers
    Special conditions GEMA
    Special conditions credit insurances
    Special conditions for credit checks

  • Use of the expert/speaker pool
  • Participation in mib events (possibly with costs)
  • Participation in mib seminars (if necessary with costs)
  • Access to internal mib website (e.g. business knowledge)
  • Sending of the mib association news
  • Use of the mib logo on own website
  • Political representation of interests
  • Subsidy consulting
  • Consulting for innovation promotion
  • Start-up advice
  • Succession consulting / support
  • Legal advice for companies
  • Consulting in patent and trademark law
  • Advice on tax issues for companies
  • Consulting Cyber-Security in companies
  • Business development consulting
  • Consulting Organizational Development
  • Consulting Digital Transformation
  • Consulting Project Management
  • Consulting personnel development i. Company
  • Consulting Marketing/PR in the company
  • Corporate management consulting
  • Credit risk consulting
  • Interim Management

Questions? Always gladly.

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